Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Hi all, hope all is well, can't believe that another week has flown by, I still can't believe that were half way through March.  I shall keep it brief, my desks are full of bits and bobs I'm in the middle off.  Last night I was playing with masking tape making a backing, then I played with UTEE, but not liking it, so I think I shall forget that for a moment lol.  Last night my lovely OH who I love so so much sent me an email, are you ready for it the full weekend away at Arstycrafts, wow wow wow I'm so excited and I'm hoping to buy one of the badges of Julia so I can wear my woyww badge with pride, can't wait to see you there with yours lol.  If your wondering what I'm harping on about fly on over to Julia's blog and have a good nosy around everyones crafty desks, I'm terrible if I see something I like I have the picture enlarged wondering were they might have got the product from lol lol.  My desks ...................

Dumping desk (looking too make some vintage jewellery)
Pink bits underneath is a card almost done, think I need to retrieve it
it's amazing when you look at your own pics and notice things! lol

Think the masking background is flying of to the 
big green recycling bag which is on the floor.
My heat tools, I need another slow one as the purple one,
has melted, I tried heating UTEE in a foil apple pie thingy
and I'm afraid the heat reflected and melted my gun :-(
I have a melt art thingy now (wow so many thingys lol)

Thats all from me, hope  you have a fab crafty week, thanks for looking. :-) Kezzy xxx


...the yorkshire fox... said... you've got lots going on Kessy...can't wait to see what you make with your vintage baubles...Mel :)

Annie said...

Sounds like you've got a little overheated playing with your new stash this week.
A x

Trish Latimer said...

Wow, the whole weekend with Leandra and Lin!!! You'll have a blast! Trish #31

May said...

Busy desk, would love to see what you create with those vintage baubles, Hugs May x x x x

Peggy Cain said...

I've done the masking tape technique to make faux leather background for a manly card.Have a fun WOYWW.

Sarn said...

What a lovely thing for your OH to do.

Happy WOYWW hon.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Spyder said...

Love the messy Kezzy!! Thanks for my snoop! Have a great crafting week.
HaPpY wOyWw!!

Ann B said...

Full weekend of Artsy Crafty - how lucky are you. I went last year but not sure I can make it this year - Grandson's birthday (not very well planned that birth was it) so we will probably be away the weekend. Trying to persuade Mr B to have the Friday off work so that he can look after the dog while I go stitching.
Ann B

ScrappnBee said...

Bummer about the heat gun! :( Goodness! Better luck with it next time. Congrats on the weekend away. I just got away for a scrapbook convention...and LOVED it. Have a fabulous WOYWW! -Amanda #39

SandeeNC said...

You melted your heat gun??!! Sorry, but that's a hoot! I want one of those melt pot thingys too! waving hi from the warm and sunny hills of North Carolina :)

lisa said...

It all looks like fun, Kezzy. I'm amazed you melted your heat gun. I use a foil tray and have never had any problems but I do use my fierce heat gun, not the hair dryer type.
Hope you have another go with UTEE it's great. I love it.
Hugs Lisax #80

CraftygasheadZo said...

Lots going on then! Can't believe your gun melted, that's not so good. Take care, enjoy snooping around the wonderful desks & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 33

Twiglet said...

lol - sounds a bit like me. I melted my breadmaker with my iron .. don't ask!!!!

Twiglet said...

lol - sounds a bit like me. I melted my breadmaker with my iron .. don't ask!!!!

Catie Cuddles said...

Thanks for sharing ... I quite often overheat my heat gun and it stops working for several hours. Oops

kay said...

enjoy your craft weekend,have a great week,x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

A whole weekend crafting - what a fantastic present!! Go, enjoy and DON'T FEEL GUILTY!!! That's an order :)
Hugs, LLJ #26 xx

Anonymous said...

That will be one amazing weekend, and how fantastic of your hubby to book it all up for you!

Brenda 12

Lisa said...

Thats one busy desk you have there. You look very busy.Would love to see what you create with the vintage

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry I'm so late getting here this week. I've had Blogger problems, so am trying to get this posted before it chases me out.

I had a heat tool do the same with me, but mine was because I got the heat too close to the edge of the paper. Apparently, you need to position it at an angle, which I didn't realize.

I know you are at that craft thingy that I had never heard of before, so I hope you are having a wonderful time. I couldn't be happier for you. Now figure out what went wrong with your masking tape because I need a good technique using it!