I can't believe its Wednesday again and if your wondering what WOYWW jump over to
Julia's blog and join the craze of seeing what other crafters have on there desk, watch out though its addictive.
I'm afraid I didn't get around everybody last week, but already have started looking at everyones desk this morning on my Iphone.
My desk isn't so interesting as late last night I managed to finish the major sort out of my desk area, and before I mess it up (which i'm itching to do lol) I thought I'd take my WOYWW photos. As its a bit boring I have also took more photos of my craft room but closer images so here goes ...................
Nice and clean just waiting for a crafty explosion
Straight in front of my desk is where I keep some!!! of my inkpads and the new bathroom tower at the right has special paints, alcohol inks, glitter gels, mica powders, glossy accents and some other odd bits. I'm a Winnie the Pooh lover and have bears all over the place.
These shelves are on my right of the desk, its where I keep my embellishments, some punches, the rest of my inkpads (big and juicy and in the metal basket all my small pigment inks), my pro and aqua markers are in the tins with the colour chart underneath (I challenged myself to decorate the tins with all the free papers and scrap ribbons I had collected). Also on the shelve is my brayer, sukura pens, paintbrushes, whisper brush pens, other tools, and the black drawers keep bigger embellishments, (gems, flowers, wire, brads etc embellishments like stickers and that are in a box on the shelve).

The black storage unit with all my papers and other craft bits on the last two sections which have bits like wooden altering, tim holtz grunge, mask, canvas etc my partner saved the unit from a skip at work, there rubbish my gain. Below it is a open type cabinet that stores magazines, books and folders. The shelves above the black storage go up to the ceiling (really high as old house) and they all have craft bits in, like glass paints, parchment, embellishments, paints, friently plastic, fusible fibres, fimo, more altering bits and so on. The black box on the first shelve to the right is where I store all my ribbons, will take a pic next week as forgot. You can just about see on the right side my chinese boxes of embossing powders and glitters.

Below is a filing cabinet and to the right is where I store all my dies, and two large boxes of scrap. On top of the filing cabinet is my new small boxes feeled with tim holtz products, stamp board, and loads of bits and bobs to put on grungy, stampunk style projects. Behind them is a box of fabric with my sewing boxes on top and of course my faithful big shot and my new calibur (which is so fantastic).
Here is my computer area which also has my DVD and TV on. I also work from home so I use this area alot.
Underneath my desk is craft dvd's and craft cd roms. I got these new boxes for christmas which have 12 by 12 files in to store my 12 by 12 card and patterend paper.
At the side of my craft desk I have a set of drawers (pink as they used to be my daughters who now prefers purple and black!!!), in them are my stamps. Also I have a colour laser and an inkjet printers, and also on top is my Cricut.
A quick photo of a stamp drawer, all on foam backing on laminated paper and I have shown on the left side my file that shows all the stamps I have all catorgorised (how sorted am I well maybe not as seen below!!!)
In the bottom drawer (not shown are my wooden stamps which have been stamped and put in my file) the other drawers (3 to be exact) all look like the above picture a major mess all been backed but still not organised think I have a long way to go lol. I actually started this a year ago yelp.

I moved in with my partner 4 years ago so of course he had already got this house (which once had a wife now ex in it way before I met him). The house has 3 floors and this room is on the 2nd along with the kids bedroom and the 3rd floor has our bedroom. This room from what I can tell used to be 2 double rooms (just behind my computer screen is where the wall used to be). Adrian has half for his hobby (computers) and I have my half (craft). I thought I'd take this photo to explain how my craft room came about, I feel extremely lucky to have one that is so big and also to be so close to my partner even though we don't tend to talk while we are off doing our projects. You can see from this pic he is the messy one his excuse is that he once had the whole room but now have to fit it on one side!!! He would be mortified if he saw the above as I have spread over to his and took his chair and some of his desk over. He is back tomorrow so better make sure I remove them and hopefully he won't pop on here and see the evidence ssshhhhhh LOL LOL.
Right I think that I may have bored you all by now so I am off to make a mess (I need to make sure he doesn't notice my new storage!!!!) Have a happy crafty week.