As you know my beloved partner Adrian is over in Malaysia and is finally back next Thursday thank goodness. I have really missed him, you don't realise until their gone how much they do. Ade really supports my crafting and takes over cooking etc if I'm in the middle of projects. I also miss the hugs, which make me feel safe and loved. Ok soppy over!!! lol. He sent me the below picture yesterday when we were speaking on skype. They celebrate Chinese New Year over there like we do christmas. He took this photo in a store ..... how wonderful and rich are those colours, it makes you want to start making chinese cards. When we spoke today he shown me bits and bobs he went back for that I could use for my craft. I can't wait to hold and feel them (how sad am I). I shall take a photo when he gets back (probably Friday as he is back Thursday night, and I'm not sure if "Can I have my Chinese goodies" will go down well the minute he comes in LOL.
Thank you all for all the comments wishing my Daughther well. She is alot better was hopefully going to school tomorrow, but not sure as I'm afraid the other ears is starting to look infected.
Hope your having a good weekend. I'm off to sort out my desk as there is no room to craft LOL.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Friday, 28 January 2011
As Promised!!!
As promised here are the cards I was doing on Wednesday for my best friend who wanted cards for her mum. The Boutique card is from Hunkydorey (I think thats right!!!) which I bought from creat and craft. I don't usually buy cards that you are pre-made and all you do is copy, but I got these last year as they were on sale and I like the look of them. I could't just make them up as told (its not my crafty style I like to mess with bits lol), I fancied up the dresses and the woman, put a vase of flowers on the table (flowersoft) and on the back (forgot to take photo doh!!!) I made a pocket and a tag which could be written on.
The other card was from the grandchildren. Both cards Fiona chose (she likes to have a snoop and play in my craft room lol) the main basis, so the above card was pretty straight forward. The next card was a little more challenging, she wanted me to use a image from the Honey and Hugs by Papermania Docrafts. We then came up with the idea of putting her childrens hand prints on it. I should have considered the whole colour of the card before I grabbed her some paint before she went which happend to be bright pink/cerise. Here is what I came up with .......
I'm afraid I only had time to take quick photos before she picked them up.
Thank you all for your lovely comments and hope you all have a crafty weekend.
Thursday, 27 January 2011

I can't believe its been a week since I blogged. I'm afraid life got in the way. Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments asking how my daughter is. When I blogged last week I made light of her ear infection. This is because I was a bit upset. Shannon is 14 and has had ear infections most of the time for 3 years, and recently we got to see the ENT specialist, who wanted us to contact him when it got bad again (the last one was treated over the two week christmas period). When I contacted him (last Wednesday) we had to go straight to hospital were bless her she had a really painful shringing. Since then she has had to go almost every other day to have the pus sucked out. The last was today and they are going to now leave it for two weeks to see how much it produces. So I have spent the last week going to hospital, working in between and also having to stay with Shannon all the time as she has lost her balance (its finally almost back) and of course Adrian doesn't come back for another week. So no crafting or blogging for me over that period. I did do some yesterday as I suddenly remembered my friend ordering two cards to be picked up last night so I was in a bit of a panic. I assure you I took my picture yesterday on WOYWW day.
I was asked what the blue storage on the right of the table was so I took a closer picture (on the left), this is where I keep all my embellishments, gems etc. The picture on the right is another pic of when my dear partner dropped it while putting me another shelf up. I had just finished putting everything by colour, which took weeks, then that happened, thank goodness most of it dropped into colour groups LOL.

I would like to say a big thank you for everyone who has visited and all those that have given me advice through emails just to let you know I understood them and I'm working on them. I'd like to say I'm sorry as I didn't get to visit everyone this last week because of circumstances and I will try harder this week. Going to post the cards I did for my mate over the next few days. If your wondering what WOYWW is all about visit Julia's Blog, its where we all get to share our craft spaces and get to see everyone crafty goodies. Right I'm off now to put my daughters nasty sprays in her ear (im not very popular at these times lol).
Oops meant to say, I didn't miss a week of WOYWW I just managed to put the wrong week (84) in last week DOH!!!.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Wow WOYWW came around quick, for anyone who would like to know its Whats on your workdesk Wednesday which was made by Julia over at her blog stamping ground. Its fantastic fun and you get to see what other crafters are doing and whats lurking on their work desk. I have now been blogging for 9 days and this is my 2nd WOYWW. I've met some fantastic crafters and everyone is so helpful. I have got around 50 more work desks from last week to look through and comment of course I'm not sure I can comment on them all every week lol but wanted to the first week. So being me I have printed out the names I haven't done so far so I can comment this week (guess I am crafty!!!) and also look at their last week table (to see what difference a week makes!!!)
I haven't entered the sugar bowl entry this week as I'm afraid what I wanted to do just didn't work, what I have learnt is pink embossing powder or pink mica powder does not like black, I wanted pink not blue!!! I now understand the difference and need opaque pink. Last night was like a comedy movie, I managed to spill my mica powder, kept picking up the wrong ink pad and stamping with it, was using dies the wrong way up and I spilt my new Wow embossing powder all over the place which I started spooning up. I kept sticking to hairspray that I got all over the place trying to set the mica which was blue not pink, and everywhere I kept putting my card you could guarantee that spilt mica or embossing powder found its way on the front DOH!!! I gave up in the end and decided that after work today I was going to do a clean up and a sort out (but now I have to work this evening as I had to rush my daughter to hospital to see an ENT to clear infection out of her ear. She has eczema in her ear that has to be cleaned out ASAP), so PROJECT clean up craft room will commence over the next few days. I also thought I'd treat you to a look at my craft room and show you the mess has spreat lol. Have a crafty evening and thanks for looking.
I haven't entered the sugar bowl entry this week as I'm afraid what I wanted to do just didn't work, what I have learnt is pink embossing powder or pink mica powder does not like black, I wanted pink not blue!!! I now understand the difference and need opaque pink. Last night was like a comedy movie, I managed to spill my mica powder, kept picking up the wrong ink pad and stamping with it, was using dies the wrong way up and I spilt my new Wow embossing powder all over the place which I started spooning up. I kept sticking to hairspray that I got all over the place trying to set the mica which was blue not pink, and everywhere I kept putting my card you could guarantee that spilt mica or embossing powder found its way on the front DOH!!! I gave up in the end and decided that after work today I was going to do a clean up and a sort out (but now I have to work this evening as I had to rush my daughter to hospital to see an ENT to clear infection out of her ear. She has eczema in her ear that has to be cleaned out ASAP), so PROJECT clean up craft room will commence over the next few days. I also thought I'd treat you to a look at my craft room and show you the mess has spreat lol. Have a crafty evening and thanks for looking.
Monday, 17 January 2011
Crafting keeps me sane!!!!
I would like to blog every day and show a project every day and I have realised that sometimes life gets in the way. I had a really bad day yesterday every thing went wrong (major wrong not just a little bit wrong lol) and then I came to craft and I felt under pressure to make something to blog with and in the end it just didn't happen. I really struggle when Ade is away, I have degenerative disk disease in my back ( a few disks) and when he is away I have his jobs as well as my own and my goodness it takes awhile for my body to get used to all the extra jobs (normally I'm into the swing of it just as he gets back) lol. I am enjoying going through all the WOYWW and sugar nellie entries of last week and trying to comment on each and wow there is alot, but I can't help enjoying them and wanting to explore all of the blog not just the entries. I do this normally if I need to rest or in bed in the evening on my I phone. If you haven't got a comment then I'm sorry I either haven't got there yet or I have had some problems with it not wanting to comment. What I have seen in everyones blog that some of you post alot and some not so much and have noticed that this is ok. I have searched through all my photos of the last couple of months so I now have some photos of those projects that I can upload each day in between my own projects so I can go back to enjoying my crafting. I guess all of us bloggers found it hard at the beginning. I'd like to say thank you for all my comments I appreciate everyone of them. Also I am slowly getting around to be able to be followers and adding blogs I visit to links on my blog. Bit by Bit as my partner tells me, I am one of those people that have always managed to get everything done but it slowly declined when my back went and the pain came, but sometimes I just don't want to stop. During these times crafting makes me sane, even if its crafting in my craft room, or on the sofa blogging or sorting (I tend to take bits down to sort when I can't move). One thing I'm going to do in a minute is see if I can work out how to leave a message in the comment thing.
I am at the moment almost finished my sugar nellie entry (having a go at using my new grand calibur and trying to heat emboss more as I have over 50 embossing powders and only ever use clear!!!! Here is a picture of another sugar nellie card I did a month ago as a birthday present for a friend.
The embroidery is a book mark I made for her as well (crafting on the sofa) actually maybe I should say sofa craft from now on lol. Heres a question? Are you supposed to say everytime what you used or just when you want or if someone asks ...... not sure.
Oh my I really waffle on (you have to understand, no partner means I'm just not getting enough adult chat!!!! lol) Its really weird my daughter doesn't giggle any more she just smiles and says lol, which bugs me but then I'm here smiling away typing lol!!!!!
Speak tomorrow. Thanks for looking. Your all brill.
I am at the moment almost finished my sugar nellie entry (having a go at using my new grand calibur and trying to heat emboss more as I have over 50 embossing powders and only ever use clear!!!! Here is a picture of another sugar nellie card I did a month ago as a birthday present for a friend.
The embroidery is a book mark I made for her as well (crafting on the sofa) actually maybe I should say sofa craft from now on lol. Heres a question? Are you supposed to say everytime what you used or just when you want or if someone asks ...... not sure.
Oh my I really waffle on (you have to understand, no partner means I'm just not getting enough adult chat!!!! lol) Its really weird my daughter doesn't giggle any more she just smiles and says lol, which bugs me but then I'm here smiling away typing lol!!!!!
Speak tomorrow. Thanks for looking. Your all brill.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Sunday Stamper Week 136 (Shine on you crazy diamond)
I have spent hours crafting today, but only managed to get one project done :-( I am entering the below tag to the above challenge on Ink on My Fingers . Over the last two years I have admired stampers and the art they produce. I've spent that time collecting stamps, ink pads, papers, vintage bits, grunge paper etc (I think you get the drift!!!) but I haven't really done anything with them apart from the basics of stamping the image and colouring which I have really enjoyed. This year I am really determined to really really try practising all art to do with stamping and also to finish the project and not give up with it. Even though I am disappointed with the below tag, and I have never done anything like it before, at least I can say I finished it. I'm not sure it seems right, I don't know if this is because its new to me and I'm more used to everything fitting together nicely i.e. stamped image on a card with papers and embellishments not like this where its all random, or if it really doesn't fit together and I can't see where I went wrong. I would appreciate any comments on this, I'd like to know so I can correct it with other projects. I'd like to say thanks to Donna from DK Crafts who has helped me with the follower/blog problem, I'm going to sit and have a go tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for your support. I'm off now to pick some stamps out for tomorrow LOL
Friday, 14 January 2011
Crafting Goodies and a Big Thank You
Sorry I didn't post yesterday, my partner was told on Wednesday he has to go to Malaysia Today for 3 weeks!!!! So he had to sort out what he needed to take work wise, and I did the washing/ironing, toiletries etc, and of course we spent some time together. He is now up there in a big plane of the ocean. Today after he went I spent time cleaning and sorting to keep my mind busy and to have everything done so I can have a weekend of crafting hurray. When he is away I do find myself crafting alot and its so exciting to think this time while he is away I'm not alone adult wise as I have all my new bloggy friends. I am lucky that my children entertain theirselves, Brad 11 wants to be out playing with his mates and Shannon (14) wants to spend the day skyping, now there older the days of crafting with mum is less, a shame really but I guess they enjoy being with their mates.
Ok I will stop waffling on about home life lol. I haven't finished a project yet because of the above, but I am posting a photo. I asked for money to spend in the crafty sales, from Boxing day to New years day I spent time going to online crafting shops to see what sales they had on. All together I shopped at 8 shops. A couple of goodies came just after new year but 6 parcels was still missing, and while I was upset that Ade had gone, the lovely Mr Postman in his van brought all my parcels to me (I could have hugged him on the doorstep!!!).
It felt like crimbo all over again.
I would like to say a big Thank You for all my comments I have received and to the 2 new followers I have if you click on the them in my follower bit you can go to there blog, which are fab. You have all made me so welcome. I have tried to become a follower but even though my photo is there it doesn't say I follow in my blog dashboard. Also I am enjoying going through everyones WOYWW and Sugar Nellie challenges this week BUT some of my comments don't seem to want to go through, so if you all could bare with me I will get there !!! I hope !!!! lol. I also would like to apologise that I didn't put a link to the sugar nellie or the WOYWW challenges. I will definitely try and get that right this week ( I hope again LOL). It is taking me awile to get through everyones work desks and challenges as I can't help myself to explore the rest of their blog which is obviously time consuming but so enjoyable.
Right, I better go and start finishing some crafty projects. I will post pics of them over the weekend as I finish each one (which I guess should be the sunday stamper!!!! over on ink on my fingers (another great blog). uummmm going to try and give you a link!!!! Ink on My Fingers uummmm I apologise if you don't get there LOL (I shall have a go when I'm done!!)
To answer a question about my WOYWW (well I'm trying to get it right as I put WOWW on my post oops), the pink machine is the new Grand Caliber from spellbinders which I got from Ade at chrismas. Its fantastic, I have only had a play but I am planning to make some card blanks this weekend from the grand circles and scallops I got. If you would like to know more or a closer picture of it then let me know and I will post one. There are also quite a few videos on You Tube showing how to use it. Bye for now, I
appreciate any comments, or blog advice. Thank you for looking.
Ok I will stop waffling on about home life lol. I haven't finished a project yet because of the above, but I am posting a photo. I asked for money to spend in the crafty sales, from Boxing day to New years day I spent time going to online crafting shops to see what sales they had on. All together I shopped at 8 shops. A couple of goodies came just after new year but 6 parcels was still missing, and while I was upset that Ade had gone, the lovely Mr Postman in his van brought all my parcels to me (I could have hugged him on the doorstep!!!).
It felt like crimbo all over again.
I would like to say a big Thank You for all my comments I have received and to the 2 new followers I have if you click on the them in my follower bit you can go to there blog, which are fab. You have all made me so welcome. I have tried to become a follower but even though my photo is there it doesn't say I follow in my blog dashboard. Also I am enjoying going through everyones WOYWW and Sugar Nellie challenges this week BUT some of my comments don't seem to want to go through, so if you all could bare with me I will get there !!! I hope !!!! lol. I also would like to apologise that I didn't put a link to the sugar nellie or the WOYWW challenges. I will definitely try and get that right this week ( I hope again LOL). It is taking me awile to get through everyones work desks and challenges as I can't help myself to explore the rest of their blog which is obviously time consuming but so enjoyable.
Right, I better go and start finishing some crafty projects. I will post pics of them over the weekend as I finish each one (which I guess should be the sunday stamper!!!! over on ink on my fingers (another great blog). uummmm going to try and give you a link!!!! Ink on My Fingers uummmm I apologise if you don't get there LOL (I shall have a go when I'm done!!)
To answer a question about my WOYWW (well I'm trying to get it right as I put WOWW on my post oops), the pink machine is the new Grand Caliber from spellbinders which I got from Ade at chrismas. Its fantastic, I have only had a play but I am planning to make some card blanks this weekend from the grand circles and scallops I got. If you would like to know more or a closer picture of it then let me know and I will post one. There are also quite a few videos on You Tube showing how to use it. Bye for now, I
appreciate any comments, or blog advice. Thank you for looking.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
My first WOWW, ok maybe I should leave the 1st thing, it may get boring!!! lol. I love seeing crafters desks, is because I'm nosy!! Nah I think it gives great inspiration to see what others are up to. I'm afraid I had to go into the office today (I work mostly from home part time but occasionally I have to nip in to show I'm still around and not been swallowed up by inky things (I wish) so I'm afraid I haven't done alot of crafting yet today but definitely intending to after tea (darling partner cooking). I still haven't cleaned up from the sugar bowl challenge, but I have already started on the next (ok so it doesn't start until tomorrow) but I had an idea and wanted to stamp and play on scrap to see if it could work. I have also got a pile of stamps out (spread on my moveable desk) as I am planning to do the sunday stamper challenge (on inky fingers blog) which is Diamonds. Towards the back is my polychromas colouring pencils which I am practising at the moment and on top of that is a new distress ink that is awaiting to be stamped on a tag to be put with my other distress ink tags (find this really useful as I can see the actually colour and what it is like on card). Dinner smells like its almost done so I shall sign off. Then I'm off to get stamping and messy. Think it might be best if I put yesterdays bits away first lol. Thanks for looking.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
1st post!!! Sugar Bowl Challenge 50
Wow, I can't believe it. At last I'm posting - hurray. My new years resolution (one of them!!!) was to set up a blog so I can enter the big wide world of blogging. I so enjoy blog hopping and really wanted to join in. I never thought setting one up was so time consuming (ok so it wasn't that bad but I wanted to be getting crafty messy!!!). So for my very first post, hip hip hurray, I am entering the sugar bowl challenge 50. Below is my entry. Now the chance this gets anywhere near the sugar bowl site and what link I leave them anybody knows, lets hope I can do it right lol.
I used the Gorjuss up up and away stamp, promarkers, patterened paper/cardstock (was from scrap box so not sure which it was), tim holtz sizzix swirl embossing folder, distress ink pad - broken china for sky/clouds/stars and antique linen for distressing outside of card. Oh and the star stamp is from Lavina stamps. Right I'm off to have a go at trying to get this to the sugar bowl, then I'm off to start my next project to post tomorrow. Thanks for looking.
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